or How I Got my (some) Money Back From Welbeck Wealth

When I get out of the lift at Welbeck’s there’s no one at the reception desk. There’s a sign saying ring the bell for service, kind of like a nasty seaside b & b. Is it a sign of the times that Welbeck can no longer afford a receptionist?

So I ring the bell and a tidy pleasant young man attends to me. Such a difference between this young man and the Cathy Booth person who hung up on me  yesterday, or the Greg Knight person who won’t reply to mail.

I tell the tidy pleasant young my name and that I’m here to pick up a cheque from a Cathy Booth.
He tells me to take a seat while he goes to find it.
But I don’t sit.
Instead I go and stand near the window and stare into a glass cabinet, a bad-taste prism-shaped kind of thing, something like Superman might have kept his razor and shaving cream in in his bathroom back on Krypton.
It’s all erect and angular, a testosterone tower of photographs of men in suits smiling at the camera and giving each other trophies for golf and fishing and making lots of money and other important stuff.
There are no women in the photos in the Krypton Kabinet.

And interestingly, no awards for customer service.

There are a couple of those ugly cut glass trophies with the name Greg Knight on them and I start looking at name badges pinned to the mens’ suits in the photos. The name badges are too tiny to see any names but I think I know which one is Greg Knight. I think it’s the one with the wide head who smiles out of many of the shots while other men  shake his hand and give him trophies.
He’s looks like a man who might recite sections of Ricky Gervais dvds at barbecues.

On the wall to the right of the cabinet is a framed pale green certificate that proclaims Welbeck Wealth participate in a thing called a fair treatment of customers scheme. Or something like that.
It seems it’s a kind of organisation in which companies get together and agree to treat their customers in a nice and fair manner.
I think Welbeck might have to remove their certificate unless there’s a section for companies who withhold monies owed, hang up on their clients, ignore them and then threaten that security won’t allow them in their offices to collect their money.

There’s not much to look at after that so I sit down in a chair and look at a woman who’s also waiting there until I’m distracted by a man ferreting through some draws at the reception desk (ferrets ferret, right?). I recognise the man from the testosterone tower of awards; it’s him himself, the trophy winning Greg Knight.
‘I’m sorry,’ says Greg Knight, ‘we can’t seem to find your cheque,’

If you’ve come across this while looking for reviews of Welbecks, then the fact that they’ve lost a cheque they wrote less than 24 hours ago should be review enough. What kind of place is this? I wouldn’t trust them to get my clothes off the line and put them in the right drawers let alone organise my finances.

I smile up at that wide head of his and think about where Waterstones is so I can get the ingredients for the placard I’ll make if they try to send me away without the 8000 pounds they owe.
‘Amazing isn’t it,’ I say to the woman waiting here with me who I’d been looking at earlier, ‘how difficult it is to get them to find the money when they owe you it,’
She smiles and says really and asks me what was happening.
It looks like she’s a potential client and I’m thrilled and almost dribbling at the thought that I might be able to lose Welbeck a client right here and now in their very own offices.
‘They’ve owed my partner 8000 pounds for 6 months and have ignored phone calls and letters threatening them with solicitors so as a last resort I’ve come down here to try to get it myself. And now they’re pretending they’ve lost it,’
The woman gets one of those ‘Oh my God’ frowns on her face.
‘Yes, and yesterday Cathy Booth hung up on me. They are so unprofessional. I threatened to come down here with a placard and protest on the footpath outside if I didn’t get my money back and they told me I’d never get past security. They have caused my partner such stress over the last 6 months.’
‘Well what reason did they have for not giving you the money?’ she asks.
‘Cash flow problems they told me.’ I say. What do you call that final thrust of the sword when a bull is felled in a fight? My internal crowd is on it’s feet, cheering me.

Cathy Booth was not only unprofessional but perhaps foolish to tell me that ‘Cash Flow Problems’, amongst many others, was the reason Welbeck Wealth couldn’t give the money back.
I’m happy now though that I can ‘share it with the group’ so to speak.
‘Oh my God, really? That’s reeeeeally interesting,’ says the woman.
‘Are you dealing with that Cathy Booth or Greg Knight?’ I ask her.
‘Yes, one of them,’ she says and just then a small woman with long dark hair comes out to greet her and sees us talking.
The woman gets up to leave and thanks me for the information.
I say good luck, you’ll need it.
As they walk off I hear the small dark haired woman ask if the other woman if we know each other.
‘No, we just got chatting while we were waiting.’ she says and I sit there and wait until Greg Knight brings me over a cheque for 6000 pounds and I leave.


I’m sure if the woman mentions what I told her the small dark haired woman will have some story different to mine. But the story, for anyone else thinking of dealing with Welbeck Wealth, is that they owed money and didn’t want to, or even worse for a company that is supposed to offer financial advice of all kinds, COULDN’T give back.

Rather than go down the costly time consuming avenue of ‘legal action’ I decided to shame/frighten them into action.
I told Cathy Booth I would ‘slate’ Welbeck Wealth all over the internet, that I would post this story to every financial forum I could find, I told her I would parade out the front of their offices with a placard every day until they gave me the money back.
And I told her I’d spoken to a journalist who was interested in the story. What I didn’t say was that it was my partners son who was of course interested in the story from a personal view point, but told me journalists are wary of being used to settle disputes.

For 6 months Welbeck Wealth behaved appallingly, ignoring phone calls, emails, letters and then eventually lying about a finders fee and deducting 2000 pounds from the 8000 pounds owed. They simply did not want to give the money back and in the end found some way to hang on to a bit of it.

I know for a fact my partner is not the only person in this position. There are other clients, or perhaps former clients of Welbeck Wealth who are owed money. I don’t know the sums, I just know they’re owed.

Welbeck should not have treated my partner in this manner. Powerless to do anything else, I resorted to threatening them with…well, this kind of internet publicity. I’m going to keep this blog up for the same length of time it took to get the money back from them.

But if Welbeck Wealth want me to take it down, it’ll cost them 1% of …no, wait, 3% of 210 thousand pounds.

  1. PoshBoy

    Thanks for this blog – found it after googling Welbeck afte rthey called me earlier.

    Think I might cancel that appointment they persuaded me to take…

  2. City Boy

    what’s the latest? – they have been cold calling me.

    • jasminewetcocker

      Nothing, nothing at all. Haven’t heard from them. But I certainly wouldn’t be giving them a cent.
      Why do they have to cold call if they’re doing okay?

  3. Rjdub

    Tks for the post,

    I was cold called by them today, luckily my scepticism stopped me from fixing the appointment they we’re so eager for me to take. As mentioned above, why would they need to cold call if they we’re so good?

    I googled them to see what I could find, I actually thought it may of been someone trying to obtain personal details for fraud. But they’re even worse by the sounds of it.

    Best of luck getting your cash back and I hope all those who stuble upon this site take heed.

  4. FormerWelbeck Worker

    Please avoid this company especially those callers claiming to save you money on your tax. If its too good to be true, beleive me it is…I know

  5. Former Welbeck Employer *2

    AVOID this company at all costs. They are the most unprofessional organisation I have ever had the displeasure of coming across.

  6. Jasmine

    Former Welbeckers, thanks for the tips, and I hope others read this.

  7. WhatUDontKnowAboutWelbeck

    You were unlucky because their ‘Property Investment’ team is unregulated and hence you have no FSA protection as an indivdual client, HOWEVER far more interesting is that their core Financial Advisory division partakes in more serious mis-selling and only a handful of their massive sales force is actually licensed or authorised (which itself is a grievous violation of the FSA’s rules)….they are mostly fresh graduates without qualifications or knowledge/experience…..this is something that the FSA could easily stop and it is shocking that nothing has been done about it…. people being ill-advised on their pension planning etc. should be taken more seriously by our regulator…

  8. Beencoldcalled

    hmmm, just been cold called will give them a miss, thanks for the postings

  9. Jasmine

    @beencoldcalled…..I’m so glad you saw this before you got involved. I don’t know if they’ve lifted their game at all, but we still haven’t seen the full amount of money owed.

    Spread the word about them…..

    best of luck

  10. incrediblypatronisingphonecall

    I had a call from Welbeck several weeks ago. The agent / consultant / whatever she professed to be was one of the most patronising people I have ever had the displeasure to encounter. She tried using fixed action pattern compliance to con me into a meeting – the idea that if she could get me to answer yes to 7 consecutive questions / statements, that I’d say yes to the 8th. Exactly how thick does she think I am?

    Perhaps I’ve missed out on one of life’s few great opportunities? Perhaps, but I doubt it very much.

  11. Jasmine

    I doubt whether you missed much, as you can see from my experience with them, the reason I started the blog.
    Glad this warned you off.

  12. ColdCalled2

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I was cold called and Googled them afterwards as I had never heard of them. This popped up number 2. You are doing a real public service exposing this lot. Well done!

  13. I t is absolutely true that the vast majority of Welbecks employees are fresh grads with no FSA qaulifications at all. They also pay no national insurance on their employees claiming they are self employed when they are in no way self employed.

  14. LondonNotLagos

    Have had a couple of calls from these guys.

    It appears they are scraping details from LinkedIn and claiming they work with your colleagues.

    Thanks to your blog they are nervy about giving out details prior to making appointments.

    If you ask for an email with details they pretend they sent it to the wrong address.

    Keep up the good work!

  15. Jasmine

    Hi Londonnotlagos,
    I’m glad this blog helped put you off.
    I’m going to simply leave the blog here and hope people keep finding it and resist the Welbeck ‘charm’.

  16. Former Welbeck Employer *2

    Has anyone contacted the FSA about this? I can safely sat that WHATYOUDONTKNOWABOUTWELBECK is 100% spot on, they get Graduates to “sell” products which they are not authorised to do, nor do they have the correct knowledge on these products.

  17. Jasmine

    I haven’t contacted them, but perhaps a quiet email might alert someone…

  18. FormerWellbeckNo3

    I was a graduate fresh from uni when i joined them. i did law and never had a clue about financial planning and to get some cash, i pretended i could cold-call. they give you a script…hi xx, this is yy from welbeck…have i caught you at a bad time?…have you heard of us before…etc…i didn’t know about their dodgy dealings but i guess the culture of the firm itself is questionable…everyone there is greedy for money and yes if you make it legitimately, good for you…but not at the expense of people who have worked heard their whole life…this is day light robbery!! This blog is really good!

    • Another Former Welbeck

      Ditto – having left Welbeck after a short period of ’employment’ for a private bank, I soon realised no one in the whole company actually had a clue about financial planning… Best avoided!!

      • jasminewetcocker

        Thanks for your comment AFW,
        The Welbeck Group may not have much of a clue about financial planning, but in my experience they have ZERO clue about customer service.

  19. ricky

    If you want to see how these guys operate, watch a film with Vin Diesel in it called The Boiler Room.

    The screenwriter worked in Welbeck’s previous incarnation City Financial Partners Limited.

    How came they can still cold call? I thought that this practice was banned?

    Horrid little company, living in the 1980s, preying on 21 years olds with no real future and getting them cold calling the ‘city’

    Well done on the blog!

    • Jasmine

      Thanks Ricky,
      Maybe I should take out an ad for this blog in some financial magazine that the schemers at Welbeck might read.

  20. ricky

    Well, Jasmine you could try Financial Adviser , City AM and FT Adviser – maybe write to the letters page rather than taking out an advert – I’m not sure how many of them would read the above titles (maybe FHM or Nuts would be more their style) but their target market would definitely read City AM.

    Best of luck getting your money back.

  21. James Michael

    I totally agree with everyone above. Welbeck are a bunch of cowboys. I came in to see them for an introduction meeting and I had some young 20 year old guy try and tell me I was exposed on my ‘protection needs’! After that I was invited back for a second meeting to be introduced to a ‘partner’ who was a 25 year old guy. A partner at 25!? What the hell does that mean? Looks like a jumped up manager in a cheap suit if you ask me! I ignored their follow up calls after reading this blog. Thank you for the insight – scary really!

    • jasminewetcocker

      Glad you enjoyed the insight. Here’s a little more insight – they’re threatening to sue me for defamation.

  22. Jasmine

    Hi James,
    I’m glad you found the blog. It’s designed to warn people off them and lead away as many potential clients as possible.

    They’re a disgraceful little outfit.
    I wonder if they’ve ever seen this blog.
    I can only hope they come across it.

    All the best

  23. Scott Winnen

    Dear Fellow ‘Bloggers’,

    I could not concur more with your comments.

    I am currently a trainee IFA with a prominent city firm and am appalled that these oleaginous cowboy businesses are still in place.

    My company does not pay commissions and has not done so for years.
    We are not product driven; we charge set fees, as set out by the RDR review (see FSA.gov.uk) that will take place in 2012, where IFA commissions will be made obsolete (finally).

    I believe that our company pioneers the future.
    We genuinely foster professional relationships with our clients’.
    We appoint programmes for them, to make them wealthier (not overnight- but in the long term).
    Our advisor’s have extensive city knowledge and life experiences.

    When speaking to us, there is no pressure. However we are quite bold in telling our clients’ where they need to be. In the terms that, we dictate where your finances should go in order to proliferate them successfully (most companies work unlike this, nevertheless we work like your GP, giving you the best prescribed knowledge).

    We are not travelling ‘salesmen’ or ‘order-takers’. With all of the above taken into consideration, I believe we really differentiate ourselves from the competition and empower our clients’.

    Therefore, if you would like to ‘test our mettle’, you can always email me and I would be happy to discuss how really good we are.


    • Really???

      No need for that apostrophe on clients – I’d be surprised if your post didn’t breach FCA marketing rules.

  24. ex City Financial ....

    Firstly, good effort with this blog. No one likes pushy financial advisers. And well done to Scott for having the singularly most impressive word in the blog (oleaginous) I’ll be using that this week.
    While we are in the process of shining the light of truth and Justice, I couldn’t help noticing that Scott Works for I.S.M Solutions (which is itself a trading name for Greensnow Limited) which according to the FSA is headed up by one Graham Johnson – himself one of the worst cowboys that I had the misfortune to come across whilst working at the infamous firm CFPL, where I believe Greg Knight started out (I’m thinking something along the lines…..Pot,Black,Kettle?).

    Also a lot of people on here have complained about cold calling – now do be honest Scott; your linked-in page says you have been there for 2 months and you do ‘Business Development’ – When I worked with Graham Johnson, ‘Business Development’ was a euphemism for Cold Caller?).

    Graham – Still got that tacky red 308?

    (Graham doesn’t look a lot like Magnum P.I!)

  25. Sidu's coked up ghost

    Ha Ha

    I remember Johnsons red Ferrari.

    What a penis!

    • Joy

      They cold-called me, so I had them put me on their Do Not Call register. The guy that I spoke to said that if I get any more calls if I take the name of the caller, i’d get a bottle of champagne if I reported it. Don’t know of it’s true – has anyone else heard this?

  26. tinybutmighty

    Interesting that this article actually broadcasts the fact that Welbeck take young graduates and get them to make up to 20 cold calls a day confirming what others have said on this blog. It claims that as long as they dont ask for your financial details, they are not in breach of the regulations. Not sure if this is correct or indeed whether this is what happens in reality.


  27. tinybutmighty

    sorry link didn’t work try this


    failing that google welbeck wealth and it comes up about half way down the page under Talking Money

  28. tinybutmighty

    this link works


  29. ex City Financial.....

    tinybutmighty…. that was hard work! best have a sit down now and a nice cup of tea!

    don’t miss next weeks enthralling episode where tinybutmighty attempts to open an envelope!!!

  30. jasminewetcocker

    Actually, ex City Financial, that’s a good idea.

    Let’s see what that envelope reveals once it’s opened.

  31. Anna

    I’m glad I read this blog. People have a right to know about such experiences.

  32. ColdCalledToo

    Thanks for this blog — and thanks to Google! 🙂 Will certainly avoid them.

  33. Jake

    Just been cold called – the third time in a year.

    Saw them last year for the introductory meeting – an hour of my time I’ll never get back. Reception desk unmanned, waited 20 minutes until someone took me through, only to tell me over a very drawn out 40 minutes and after copious sketches of graphs representing my life and my “goals and objectives”, that he had many ideas we should arrange another session, which I never attended after being so bowled over by the first meeting.

    Anyway, they just called again, with the same “have I caught you at a bad time, have you heard of us”, and have just arranged another meeting, details of which will be emailed to me shortly. He explained that as a company, they’ve “grown some more arms and legs” that have accompanied their move to London Wall.

    Wondering what fun I can have at the meeting or whether I should pack it in!

    Any ideas?

    • jasminewetcocker

      Hello Jake, I had the same experience when I went to collect the money owed to my partner, of which a quarter is still owed, hence this blog. Unmanned desk, dinky little bell to ring for service. I also waited in the reception area but put my time to good use explaining to one of their potential clients just how APPALLING Welbeck had been in their dealings with my partner and me.

      Just yesterday I emailed the Welbeck Group asking if they would like to pay back the outstanding money and negotiate on closing the blog down before I go down the small claims route. However, YET AGAIN WELBECK HAVE IGNORED ME.

      So, really, I’d have to leave it to you on whether you give them any of your money. I’m not saying that any of what happened to me will happen to you but they STILL owe my partner over 2000 quid and refuse to hand it over as a matter of principle, or so one of their former employees has told me.

      Funny set of principles they have, refusing to hand over money that they contractually owe. Problem is, they don’t seem to have kept very good records in regards to my partners portfolio, not something YOU, Jake, probably want to hear if you’re thinking of giving them your bucks to handle.

      So, seems the Welbeck Group might grown some more arms and legs, but they haven’t grown the balls to admit they were wrong and to cough up the money.

      So, seems like the Welbeck Group and I will be taking a trip down the small claims route.

      As for whether you should attend the next meeting you’ve set up with them, if you do go would you do me a favour and mention the blog. I’d love to know what their reaction is.

      Good luck with it.

  34. pubeweaver

    Just had a cold call….. I asked, “who are the Wellbeck Group ?” – and the arrogant little sh*t snorted “I’m suprised you haven’t heard of us !” and gave some scripted response about been a wealth management company on London Wall……. I said I wasn’t interested and hung up, then googled them and found this. My suspicions have been confirmed.

    • jasminewetcocker

      Pubeweavear…LOVE the name.
      Here’s an idea, call Welbeck back and tell them you HAVE now heard of the Welbeck Group via the blog.
      I’d love to hear to coughs and splutters

      all the best

  35. John

    Thanks for the site. I had been cold called and booked an appointment with Welbeck. They advised that they could save me thousands on tax – even though I am PAYE.
    I was very close to attending had it not been for this site.
    Well done and good luck on getting the rest of your money back

    • jasminewetcocker

      Hi John, glad you found the blog.
      I’m sure Welbeck do save some people money, however they certainly didn’t save my partner and I any.
      In fact, they ended up costing us.

      I’m sure there are a lot of companies out there who offer the same services as Welbeck but DON’T have a negative blog written about them.

      Thanks for your comments and trust me, WE also hope we’ll get the money back

  36. ben simmons

    I used to work for ISM Solutions and they are the exact same outfit as Welbeck. BEWARE. They are simply insurance salesman ‘flogging life policies and ISAs’ and any other investments that they can to generate fees for themselves- whether its good for the client or not. When they come out of meetings they ring a bell to let everyone on the floor know they have pushed another customer into giving them money.

    None of them have any financial qualifications to support what they ‘recommend you invest in’ They simply research using google and a few city search engines- then try and push you into investing with them and ultimately giving them fees….. Every single person they pushed into getting equity ISAs over the last 4 years will have lost money- and if you ask them about it- they will say-‘its long term’. All the cowboys that work there used to work for Zurich and CFPL before being thrown out for ‘miss selling’.

    They will push you into any product they can get fees of- the highest being protection policies….. be warned. Anything they recommend you can simply do yourself at home without being charged.

    • Charles

      I too had an interview with them, and they are a very aggressive sales outfit. Everyone gets shunted onto the Standard Life wrap. You end up paying double-bubble fees, as you get charged the fund management fee, then an additional financial adviser fee on top too.

      Paul Johnson is the MD of both ISM Solutions and ISM Wealth Management located at 50 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 3JY. He is well ‘known’ from his days at City Financial Partners Limited

      After a very brief interview I was shown round the office and was introduced to a bank of young graduates cold calling people to prospect for clients. You have to feel sorry for the guys who thought they were getting a ‘city’ job, and find out there days consist of calling up people from the phone book.

      Some of the advisers I spoke to only part Diploma Qualified (The diploma is level 4- in academic terms) which is worrying if you are trusting them with your long term financial health. Would you go to a doctor who had only pasted one modules of an A Level style exam?

    • Anonymous

      I used to work for ISM too and I have to say I completely disagree with all the comments written on this blog. In fact, the level of ‘bitching’ has resulted in this blog having absolutely no integrity or worth.

      For people who have cancelled meetings based on the opinions of bitter ex-employees, I think it is a waste and even if the meeting wasn’t beneficial to them – what have they got to lose???

      45 minutes chat with a QUALIFIED adviser, no obligation – hardly a scaring concept, and at least you can form your own opinions.

      For the all the past employees/interviees who seem to have closely followed the career of Graham Johnson, I think its all a bit pathetic. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t given you the same amount of thought over the years!

      With regards to the comment about the advisers not being qualified, this is absolute rubbish.

      ISM are directly registered with the FSA and therefore they need to meet the standard set out by the FSA. Not qualified means not being able to practice, so those comments are actually incorrect.

      Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I feel people should be given both sides of the argument, or alternatively find out for themselves.

      The industry is changing for the better, and I feel that blogs such as this are damaging the image of all finance professionals.

  37. ThatWasClose

    Thanks for this – I actually had an appointment set for tomorrow and only came across this when I googled to try and find an email address to postpone my appointment! Needless to say it’ll be cancelled and not rebooked!

    • Jasmine

      Hello ThatWasClose

      Glad to be of help.
      You might want to point out to them why you are canceling.
      Might encourage them to lift their game and prevent them from screwing with their clients again.

      All the best

  38. Catherine

    I got a letter last week from Openwork Ltd saying; ” We are writing to advise you that Welbeck Consulting UK LLP is leaving Openwork. As a result we would like to appoint a new agent to advise you on the policies you may have purchased….” Well whoever they may appoint, one hopes they wont take my money, refuse to pay it back when they are contractually obliged to do so, accuse me of defamation when they don’t like the fair comments made on this blog and then only pay up 2 years later after receiving a small claims notice.

  39. Just so you all know. . . Scott got the sack from ISM! hahahahahahaha! . . . ISM is the worst of the lot!

  40. Aspiring Private Banker

    I am currently studying for my Certificate In Financial Planning through the CII and having read through this blog I’m starting to question whether I have made a terrible error…

    I’ve had the pleasure of being interviewed by a Mr Graham Johnson at ISM Solutions and he seems to me to be the most obnoxious and arrogant man. He was unbelievably rude!

    Can anyone suggest a few good Wealth Managers and Private Banking Institutions, otherwise I feel I might need a career change.

    Many Thanks

  41. Graeme

    There are a lot of companies working the the Financial Services sector. There are a huge amount of changes happening at the end of 2011. The problem of applying to places such as Welbeck Group are they are a very sales driven company, or at least it seems that way. Yes, financial adivce is a sale of financial products but this is where Welbeck Group fall short. Its an on-going advice service. They may well tell you how much each adviser earns at their company but it just goes to show from the example on this blog is that they have no idea how to deal with keeping long-term relationships. It damages the industry so much to see sales only companies thriving when actually all they are doing is selling something to one client then moving on to the next sale with no long-term client care or what I would call, financial advice! Steer well clear of businesses like this. It will eventually all catch up with them through some form of whistle-blowing I am sure.

  42. Seth

    For what it’s worth, and despite having come across this blog, today I actually met with a guy with the Wellbeck Group (mostly as a courtesy as I said I would) and it was quite okay. He was careful to distinguish his group from another group offering ‘high-risk investments for large-net-worth individuals’. In my case we had an hour+ discussion of my financial situation to see if he might be able to offer any advice (and yes, services, of course). He offered an assessment of my track towards my retirement goals (not brilliant), we discussed life insurance options for my new mortgage, pension realities, wills, and we discussed some of the potential tax pitfalls I might face as an American living in the UK. I signed nothing and am committed to nothing, and I didn’t pay a penny. He was pleasant, polite, generally it was a good experience. It may be significant which “group” at Wellbeck you’re dealing with.

  43. Avoid Welbeck

    Having experienced a few consultations at Welbeck to setup a pension I’ve realised what a ripoff they actually are. They wanted to take 50% of my contributions for the first year to pay into a pension. Since, I’ve managed to setup the same pension for under £400 with flexibility of paying in when I like without incurring additional charges. They were asking for £6k.

    Yes they are good at the sales patter, but don’t expect to get a good deal.

  44. GladInevertookthejob

    I interviewed for a job there a while back. The first two interviews were purely a sales pitch about how rich they all are and how rich you can be within a few years. They joked about the ‘boys club’ working atmosphere and how quickly you can be a partner and how quickly you could be a millionaire once they float on the stock market.

    Second interview was with Greg Knight, I can say he certainly fits previous descriptions. I raised this blog to see how he answered it, assuming that he would say that the poster was mistaken and they were all good… nope they joked about it and where non too complimentary about the poster.

    I did not turn up to the third interview…

  45. John Adams

    Looks like they are still trying the same cold calling tactics with the same script “have I caught you at a bad time, have you heard of us, a number of your colleagues at x are clients of ours” etc etc. A quick mid phone call Google, found this blog and was able to exit without arranging an interview. Thank you.

  46. basoutos

    Did a transaction under their advice.
    Lost tons of money.
    Never heard from them after signing.

  47. Mr D

    I have a meeting with them in a few weeks time. I got the same cold call as everyone else.

    Shall I cancel………. or should I (out of respect to the author) just not turn up and waste their time, the same way the wasted the author time 🙂

    • Hello Mr D,
      Whether you attend depends on a number of things.
      I’d be inclined to see how I felt on the day.
      A lot of time was wasted dealing with the Welbeck Group, or Welbeck Wealth as they were then known.
      However, I did learn a good deal about defamation.
      Swings and roundabouts, as they say.
      Do let me know whether you go to the meeting or not.
      And if you do, perhaps give them my regards.

      All the best to you, Mr D.

  48. Chris

    Steve Whelan strikes again. He now has a company called Complete Property Lettings, they had me do some work and have failed to pay. Excuse after excuse is all I get.

  49. John

    A rental property he has in Cumbria has been trashed. Will cost him thousands to put it right. Might have been done by another unpaid tradesman.

  50. John

    Is this the same Whelen

  51. Mr c

    I had an interview with this company a few days ago and am due to call them tomorrow but after seeing this website and a few others I do not want to be associated with them! I will still call just to let him down!

  52. joe

    just been cold called and was asked if I had ever heard of ‘Tom Rowland’ or Welbeck as ‘everyone’ is talking about them…he then said a load of other stuff whilst I googled Welbeck and then he ended his script with the famous…’what have I got to lose?’ statement…I then hung up.

  53. boglit

    Hi i would just like to add to this by saying i wish i had read this blog a year ago i worked for Wellbeck and as a company they are just as bad as this makes out! the people you work with are all grads (me included) picked out and promised ridiculous things in the hope to make money. they acually only pay you (not alot) for 3 months and then you move to 100% comision. In fact they sit you at a desk and make you cold call for 9+ hrs a day in the hope they can convice some poor hard working person to come in, using a terrible scipted convosation, and then tell you more rubbish via more scipts that they learn.

    ill be breif – stay away its simply not worth it. i should know

    • Thanks for that, Boglit.
      Interesting insight to their workings.
      Might save some people some time and money.

      • Butane Buzzard

        I’ve read these blogs about Welbeck over the years and wanted to write something but felt bad because of the handful of nice people i used to work with who probably still work there. But I can’t help but say a few things..the majority of people were so bloody brainwashed at that company…

        In response to the person asking about getting champagne for being called..You only get a bottle of champagne if you are already someone else’s client. The company has a DNC (do not call register) of people who are either already clients or people who’ve got seriously fed up with being called and made complaints. The system is so flawed though. Young grads have to get in at 7 am to check off their list of names and numbers to call that day against the register. Naturally people miss names. Also the callers all use Linkedin to get names and then call company switch boards. This is completely illegal. If you tell the FSA and they go in to the company office. i guarantee they’ll find pages and pages of copied and pasted linkedin pages on or under desks, but thats not the worst thing they’ll find by any stretch of the imagination.

        For example, ‘Partners’ most of whom are about 25/6 leave client information collected in meetings in piles on their desks. They also love to come out of meetings saying what that person earns, or how fucked they are because they haven’t done this or that or how much commission they’ll make from that last meeting. There is absolutely no client confidentiality. I could stroll across the office after most people have gone home for the day and find information on anyones clients from their addresses, phone numbers, assets, children (names, schools) and the list goes on. It is an absolute joke. These documents are scattered all over the office and are in no way locked away as they should be.

        As someone stated before, there are only a handful of licensed advisors. The majority of people aren’t licensed and will still sell products but when they go to write up the business, they just use the licensed partners (the one they work underneath) login and name on the report. It is seriously dodgy. You’ve got 24 years olds making over 10 grand in a month and they aren’t even licensed. Something that I noticed in my time there was that even though we had passed all the relevant exams to get licensed the FSA was holding back on giving them to us. Suspicious to say the least, one can only assume they were onto us or perhaps it was the greedy f*ckers at the top of Welbeck who were holding back licenses so they could continue to line their pockets with money earned more from their brainwashed ’employees’.

        Don’t get me started on the commissions and also how they love to CHURN business. The amount of money some of the guys at the top are making is an absolute joke. Charging 8% to switch someones pension is criminal if you ask me.

        If you don’t like being cold called, kick up a fuss and call the compliance guy (who is also not licensed!) and they’ll make sure you don’t get called again, talk about compaining to FSA etc. On more than one occasion they’ve had to stop cold calling for a week because there was so much heat from complaints. They don’t make 20 calls a day, they make calls from about 9:30 through till 6 and have to be seen to be permanently on the phone. Callers aim to make 5 appointments a day. I remember that for a time they weren’t aloud to call themselves by the company name welbeck and had to start calling themselves something else like Wilmslow Wealth.. i mean WTF?!

        I could go on and on but I’ve already taken up too much of this feed. The only thing that keeps people working there is the money but with RDR things are changing and the rules are tightening. I hope Greg Knight gets shut down.. one last thing, he keeps everyone excited about opening a Hong Kong office and selling the company, but the company isn’t worth anything. You can’t buy shares in Welbeck. It doesn’t have any worth whatsoever. All it is is a tin can with a sales force inside, who aren’t even employed by the company. I feel sorry for those joining now…think about it and go somewhere with a good reputation that actually looks after you and offers company benefits and holidays.

  54. Thank you for your comment, Butane.
    So insightful that I gave it its own post.
    All the best and thanks for the information.

    • of course this blog and butane’s post above will only punish the young trainees and cold callers the most.. blokes on 200-300 pound a week, wont make much difference to someone on 10K a month…. well done on damaging a 22 year old paycheck…..

  55. Dave Stevens

    This is a post that i put on a Wikijob feed ‘As a former ’employee’ I urge you never to go to the interview or accept the job. This company is a joke, you will be cold calling 8 hours a day and not for the first few months but I knew people who had been there for 1+ years and they were still cold calling all day every day, still hoping ‘to make it’. If you are a good salesman and don’t mind being a mindless phone drone then this job is probably for you, for anyone else who realises what they are saying is an utter fabrication of the truth then stay away! You spend all day on the phone speaking from a script to people have already been called that same day or been pestered in the past. You have been warned!’ If anyone would like names of the ‘head guys’ I.e. heads of tax, let me know and I will happily disclose.

  56. Angry Bird

    This really is quite a straightforward thing now. Post 1st January 2013 there is a new standard of qualification required for every financial adviser in the land. Simply look on the FSA register for your “adviser” you can also ask to see their statement of professional standing (SPS). If an adviser cannot produce this, it could well be due to the fact they have not passed the required exams, or indeed they have not adhered to the FSA standards of honesty and integrity.

    I too am a former self employed Welbeckian. For much of the bad press that is here there are/were some good things about the place. Many people saved more than they otherwise would have and did take useful advice. However, the changing nature of the industry requires remuneration to be based on an on-going service and initial transaction. As I understand things, Welbeck is STILL using unqualified, unlicensed advisers and charging huge fees for advice, that cannot be substantiated and hence is not correctly disclosed. For example 50% of year 1 contributions to a pension. This could be more than £10k, for simply setting up a personal pension. What is more Welbeck only has 1 option of provider, so how is that justifiable, perhaps 6 hours of work involved!

    Consumers need to be educated and I would encourage EVERY current and former Welbeck client to review their policies and review the charges. Retrospective claims can be made if you were not correctly disclosed commissions or fees.

    I really would love to see this industry “cleaned” up, as I still operate within it and the negative press detracts far too much from the value that can be added from honest advice! There are plenty of people happy to pay a fair price for advice, yet Welbeck will NEVER charge fair fees as there are too many people sat at the top of the tree earning too much, that don’t advise (or do much in all honesty). These people have developed expensive lifestyles which can only be sustained through taking advantage of others… I’m not a communist either, I earn very good money as an adviser now, like most of my clients.

  57. Angry Bird

    If they aren’t on here… They aren’t qualified. Even then click on the name and check they are active


  58. James

    not only all of what Michael says is true but there is a huge drug problem within the company. Its so socially accepted that is you are not a user you are seen as different, therefore not ‘Welbeck material’

  59. KIW

    Id just like to point out that people who come on here are only those with complaints for welbeck, it seems to be a feeding ground for a small angered community. Welbeck is an extremely successful company which makes A LOT of money because they are very good at what they do, hence the reason they attract client after client. I have completed business with welbeck which i am delighted with, along with many of my colleagues…

    • You comment will allow others, who might have doubts after reading all those negative comments, to weigh up whether they want dealings with the Welbeck Group…or not.
      Well done and glad you had a successful experience with the Welbeck Group.
      This blog is about an unsuccessful experience with people who behaved in an unpleasant way and witheld money.
      Perhaps things have changed.
      Some say yes, some disagree.

      The helpful aspect of blogs is that they can just sit around forever attracting comments now and then.
      Positive or negative or neutral.

    • Angry Bird


      Please re-read my comment. I have not had a bad experience of Welbeck and have no personal complaints. Indeed, I had a great education of how to do some things the right way and others the wrong way.

      Should you take the time to read again, I do say there are/were good things. I have simply tried to educate the consumer about how to avoid potential problems. Surely by telling you how to check the advice you have been given is from someone who is educated and qualified, is useful to ALL and not specific to Welbeck? I am merely hinting at the fact that cheaters shouldn’t always prosper, which can be another reason as to why a financial services company can make A LOT of money and it isn’t always because they are good at what they do, they can become too powerful to be correctly monitored and regulated by their network. We need only consider the numerous banks, PPI, LIBOR and the FSAs lack of involvement.

      I genuinely hope you and your colleagues continue to enjoy the benefit of good financial advice for many years to come AND if you are happy to continue to pay the vastly above average fees for this, I simply encourage you ask the right questions, as a fool and his money is easily parted.

    • Angry Bird

      May I also add, you didn’t come on here to make a complaint about Welbeck, in your first sentence you prove yourself wrong…

    • If you read through most of the comments, you’ll find that not only those with complaints come here.
      You have come here, and have only praise.
      Other commenters praise Welbeck, too.
      So,…seems there’s a nice balance occurring.

  60. MattW

    I have looked for recent news on Welbeck and there is absolutely nothing to be seen via Google – any chance someone can post up links/articles that report on the last comment that they have closed down?

  61. The Scotsman

    Well, it would appear that Greg Knight was unable to fool all of the people all of the time…. The good people of Welbeck all wisely decided to vote with their feet.

    So where did all the money go Greg, You said there was no money in the pot for those of us who wrote the business, but it didn’t seem to curb your lifestyle??? (IT WASN’T JUST THE AUTHOR THAT HAD TROUBLE GETTING THEIR MONEY THEN!)


    + Probably time to close down the welbeck website given that none of the people on the site still work there and it is no longer trading.

    Gregory William Knight

    No longer in financial services – lets hope its permanent!!


  62. All off to Hong Kong....save me a seat...

    “I believe he suffers to a high degree from the common tendency to reconstruct his recollection in a manner favourable to himself.”

    The words above were used in a court case last year by a Judge describing Arthur Scargill (the old leader of the National Union of Mineworkers NUM), but my belief is that this phrase could just as reasonably be applied to Greg Knight.



    “After 17 years in the City, Greg founded the Welbeck Group in 2000. ”

    or more accurately

    “After having worked as a life insurance salesman for a multitude of (thankfully collapsed) high pressure sales forces (Porchester Group, City Financial Partners Limited (CFPL) in the west end (err not the City then), Greg and a number of others founded……

    I wonder how much longer Greg will remain a director of KLAS with his celebrity pal Kenny Logan (Gabby Logan’s husband) or for that matter a director of London Scottish International Limited – his name is conspicuously absent from the list of directors on their website (http://www.londonscottish.com/club/lsil_board_of_directors.php)

  63. All off to Hong Kong....save me a seat...



    What a coincidence?

    Perhaps Greg Knight & Kenny Logan the K and the L of “KLAS” & both directors of London Scottish International though it a little insincere Greg’s name being removed from the London Scottish website when Companies House data states that he is still a director (as per DueDil 21/07/14)??

    Caerus Capital Group weren’t so silly to make him a director, Oh Know, they just made him the 2nd largest shareholder (personally) and now according to Companies House filings (Look for the “Statement Of Administrator’s Proposals Document, for Welbeck Consulting) Greg’s Company Welbeck Consulting owes Caerus £1.03m.

    You couldn’t make this up….The liability looks to die with the company while Greg keeps the spoils!!!

    I wonder how the other Caerus Practice principals feel about their future success (Caerus Shares) going to prop up Greg Knight.

    Don’t worry guys, i’m sure you will be able to re-coop something when the Caerus Shares are realised – maybe it will happen before Welbeck Consulting’s period in administration ends……..?

    Anyway. Spare a thought for Metro Bank shareholders, according to companies house filings Welbeck Consulting owes Metro Bank Approx £1.5m.

    And what a coincidence; Keith Carby, Gregs pal?? (Probably not currently) is CEO of the Caerus Capital Group Ltd and Non-Executive Director and one of the Founders of……wait for it……Yes! Metro Bank…….Ouch Keith, Ouch..£2.5m [AND COUNTING]!

    Right then…. Everyone who wants to go into business with Greg Knight raise your hand NOW!

  64. “I wonder how much longer Greg will remain a director of KLAS with his celebrity pal Kenny Logan (Gabby Logan’s husband) or for that matter a director of London Scottish International Limited – his name is conspicuously absent from the list of directors on their website ”

    It turns out the answer was 2 days!

    Mr Gregory William Knight
    Born 56 years ago: Jan 1958
    Director, Director
    21 Oct 2008 — 24 Apr 2014 (5 years, 6 months, 3 days)

    (From DueDil)

  65. Hinestroza

    ….they just chose not to file it with companies house until 14/08/14.

    Hopefully for Greg, Welbeck Wealth Management / Welbeck Consulting’s Administrator doesn’t determine that the 449,000 London Scottish International Shares held by Greg Personally should not be considered company assets! (which might be the case if he shares were seen to have been given to Greg in ‘payment’ for sponsorship of London Scottish by Welbeck Wealth Management / Welbeck Consulting).

    On a slightly different point it would appear that Keith Carby and the Metro Bank shareholders, (according to companies house filings Welbeck Consulting owes Metro Bank Approx £1.5m) have nothing to worry about…. i’m sure the association that Metro Bank have with Greg Knights other company KLAS International will more than compensate them!!

    Its been reported in the press that the Metro Bank money is secured against a personal guarantee…….

    Google search “Caerus Metro Bank”

    ……it begs the question.

    500,000 (nominal value £449k GBP) shares in London Scottish International.
    260,000 B shares in Caerus Capital + 74,273 Ordinary shares.

    [Individual share price unknown, however I’m sure the Managing Director Andy Ferns would argue that they are worth more than their nominal value of 0.01GBP…….maybe £10 per share on a good day?

    Why not just call in the personal guarantees……nothing like a bankruptcy petition to get money appearing out of crevices!!!

  66. http://www.klasinternational.co.uk/Business

    “The Welbeck Group is now well established”

    …….(Err is this a euphemism for ‘It collapsed after an epic vote of ‘no-confidence’ in Greg Knight saw pretty much everyone vote with their feet……some went to Intrinsic, some went to SJP, some to Openwork, and some to Caerus….but they all went!)

    it goes on …..”and Greg’s knowledge of the Financial Services Industry is an asset to KLAS International. ???


    Greg has returned to London Scottish as a board member.

    ……(he has in-fact left the board of London Scottish.)

    Maybe its time for Klas International Kenny Logan Greg Knight etc to update their website.

  67. We might be one step closer to finding where all the money went – appalled at the indifference and general unwillingness of the Welbeck’s Administrator (Resolve Partners) I have made a formal complaint to the Insolvency Service. This morning I received notification from them that my complaint does warrant further investigation and the Insolvency Service has passed the file to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), the authorising body of Mr Gunn, Mr Supperstone and Mr Harris (the appointed administrators) for further consideration.

    [Legal Stuff……Please note that this does not presume that they have committed a disciplinary offence, which is a matter for
    the ICAEW alone to consider.]

    The insolvency service has teeth….


  68. Ex Welbeck

    …..If anyone reading this believes that Resolve Partners have not been working in the best interests of Welbeck’s creditors or have evidence of the same…


    ..if they believe that mis-appropriation of funds (asset stripping) may have happened that has not been adequately investigated


    ..have evidence that they believe is pertinent to this case they should send it to……

    Metropolitan House
    321 Avebury Boulevard
    Milton Keynes
    MK9 2FZ



  69. They're Still Out There!!!!!

    last year i recieved a call from welbeck trying to sell me a property or mortgage and plagued me with calls to visit them.
    last week i recieved another one from a company called amicus or abacus selling the same idea with the same old script.

    Be warned they are still out there

  70. I think those who choose not to be in business with Greg Knight should be highly commended, these guys obviously left for a good reason (Maybe so they could run a company where they treat theirs customers a bit better!!)

    It’s those who have actively chosen to stay or go in business with him who’s judgement might need to be questioned. Good judgment doesn’t come easy.

    Take Kenny Logan for example. Last year his wife (BBC’s Gabby Logan) issued a grovelling apology for investing in what has widely been described as a ‘tax dodge’ called Icebreaker. But despite her distancing herself from it, it didn’t stop Kenny from being first an ‘ambassador’ for Welbeck Group (Owned by Greg & possibly the biggest introducer to Icebreaker), NO, he then became and remains Gregs business partner, owning a 3rd each of a firm called KLAS International!!!

    Sadly, Kenny was recently in the papers for inadvertently getting himself funded (+ London Scottish where he is a director was also later funded) by an – expensive wine swigging, Bentley driving fraudster who was funding his fantasy lifestyle with his company’s money!)



    Now Kenny, just because someone drives a Bentley and flashes some cash………

  71. The Scotsman

    How ironic..just came across this old article in The Scotsman…


    Knight, Porter (convicted fraudster) & Logan,…

    As it happened Knight was putting Welbeck money in, whilst telling the team at Welbeck that it was personal funds going in, hense why he was sticking the resulting London Scottish shares in his back pocket. Porter was putting his employers money in (without their knowledge – hence the conviction) and he was sticking the resulting London Scottish shares in his back pocket too (kind of makes you wonder who came up with that idea first!). Logan?? Well that’s anyone’s guess.

    It sounds just like what might happen when a load of guys with egos larger than their collective capability drink too much claret and start believing their own bullshit!!

    p.s How are Welbecks extensive creditor list getting on with getting their money back??

  72. The Scotsman

    You couldn’t make this up….

    Logan, Neil Hollinshead (convicted fraudster), Knight??

    The same thing happened with another London Scottish ‘benefactor’ at around the same time…with presumably many of the same people involved?!*%?….Check out this article from The Telegraph….


    There seems to have been a lot of porkey-pies being told at London Scottish during the Knight / Logan era (Knight and Logan became directors of London Scottish in 2008)….

    Lovely picture of Kenny and Neil Hollinshead (convicted fraudster)

    Oh well, there shouldn’t be any further fraud cases on the horizon involving the businesses of any of the parties mentioned on here?

  73. Ex Welbeck

    Re:- They’re still out there

    Well yes, but people have to work, and when no longer within the confines of what a lot of people have described as a toxic culture, are likely to do a much better job of things.

    In fact, I think those that actively chose NOT to be in business with Greg Knight (Welbeck) should be highly commended, these guys obviously left for a good reason (…..Maybe so they could run a company where they treat theirs customers a bit better!!)

    It’s those who have actively chosen to stay or go in business with him who’s judgement might need to be questioned (there are some great examples of ‘unfortunate’ judgement listed above).

    Good judgment doesn’t come easy. A better question might be… “how many times does someone have to get it disastrously wrong before they change their decision making processes??”

    Take Kenny Logan for example. Last year his wife (BBC’s Gabby Logan) issued a statement distancing herself from an ‘investment’ that she had made called icebreaker.


    It has widely been described as an out and out ‘tax dodge’ and some public figures have gone further, and have apologised for their involvement (think Jimmy Carr, Take That…..).

    Now stumbling into an ‘investment like this is one thing, but choosing to go into business with a company peddling this stuff is something different.

    Welbeck Group, and specifically an arm called Welbeck Solutions, was quire possibly the largest single introducer to this scheme in the country, and at exactly the time it was becoming one of Welbeck’s largest grossing revenue earners, Kenny decided to become an ‘ambassador’ for Welbeck Group (the entire ‘group’ being based on one floor in one office in the city of London).

    Indeed, Kenny remains to this day Greg Knights business partner, owning a 3rd each of a firm called KLAS International (which until Welbeck’s collapse had their desks amongst the Welbeck staff)!!!

    Neil Hollinshead (convicted fraudster)
    Gerald Porter (convicted fraudster)
    Greg Knight (MD of a company making its money from a now vilified ‘tax dodge’)

    Great choices??…

    I for one, can’t wait to see who Kenny and his ilk partner up with next!!!!!

    “I think we should do business with this guy….he likes rugby, drives a Bentley and flashes the cash….he’s on first name terms with the sommelier at every 3 Michelin-starred restaurant in London, he must be a sound bloke…..”

  74. James

    Opening title lyrics….who could it be describing?

    Remember to post if you agree (or not)…

  75. The Scotsman

    “Snigger Snigger”



  76. Butane Buzzard

    Ahhhhh…..Sold Subject to Contract (see link above)

    Does this mean some creditors are going to get some money back?? Andy Ferns must be rubbing his hands together with Glee.

  77. Richard

    I think people on here putting Greg down should also consider that its not just him who is affected. Selina and the kids, through no fault of their own they are having to sell up.
    You only have to look at the photos of the house to see that whatever he was doing with the vast sums of Welbeck money he was burning through, it wasn’t being spent on them – they probably have no idea.
    They all COULD have been wealthy and financially secure forever, but instead he tried to pocket the lot and look where they are now.

  78. The Scotsman


    Went quick! Probably could have got a lot more for it if he’d waited through the summer….Can’t beat a Fire Sale though!

    Will there be enough left over after the creditors have had theirs to secure somewhere to live that’s not in Hounslow??

    Sadly I don’t recall seeing any election manifesto pledges to help people at the end of their careers buy houses??

    He could always become a “Consultant”

  79. Butane Buzzard

    If in doubt go back to your roots and start dealing with your old City Financial Partners Ltd (CFPL) conies. [One of the KLAS international partners being http://www.flmltd.com]

    The brilliant irony here is that one of their staff got a great payout from Greg Knights last company Welbeck after her lawyer threatened an employment tribunal for Sexual Harassment (she had a pretty strong case!!)…..

    Dave Allard, to be fair to him has probably developed as a business person somewhat more than Greg ever did. Dave Allard what are you thinking…..????

  80. Where did my bouns go? (Venoteca? Scotts? Cecconis?......

    Court – High Court Of Justice
    Type – Bankruptcy
    Number – 0002216
    Case Year – 2015
    Order Date – 01 July 2015
    Status – Currently Bankrupt

    Case Description – Gregory William Knight of and trading at 3 Ancona Road, London NW10 5YP as a Self Employed Business Developer as Gregory William Knight; lately of 76 Wrentham Avenue, London NW10 3HG; lately Managing Director of Welbeck Group

  81. Where did my bouns go? (Venoteca? Scotts? Cecconis?......

    “Self Employed Business Developer”……People must be queuing up for his services given his stunning business performance.

    It would seem that Welbeck Consulting and Welbeck Wealth Managements appointed administrators are still trying to get to the bottom of where all the money went. Firmly in their sights being KLAS International (which Greg is listed as owning 1/3rd) and from where he resigned as a director 2 weeks before his request for bankruptcy was effected (see link)


  82. The Scotsman

    Well it looks like Greg Knight is back in financial services at Stonebridge Wealth LLP, (although you won’t see his name on the door). One might expect some sort of denial from the partners of that firm, but if they know anything about Greg’s modus operandi it’s that before too long there will be plenty of disillusioned trainees only too willing to reveal the truth. One wonders if their network, Intrinsic Financial Services is aware of Gregs insolvent (sorry ‘Involvement’ – freudian slip! ) Has their networks compliance team made an spot visit recently to their premises lately??

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